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Anusapati and Tohjaya in history

History - This article is a continuation of history Ken Arok founder of Singasari Kingdom. Inside the palace of Singasari, there was unhealthy relationship. Anusapati felt that Ken Arok's treatment of him was not as good as the treatment of his siblings. Finally he found out that Ken Arok was his step father who had killed his own father, Tunggul Ametung.

To take revenge on the death of his father, Anusapati ordered a guard from Bathil to kill Ken Arok using the kris made by Empu Gandring which had also been used to kill Tunggul Ametung. To erase any trace of the murder, the man from Bathil was killed by Anusapati.

After the murder, Ken Arok was buried in Kegenengan. There, two temples were built, a Shiva temple and Buddhist temple because Ken Arok was a followers of the two religions. The custom of a king to profess two religions was continued until the period of Singasari and Majapahit.

Anusapati replaced Ken Arok as the king. Before long, however, a son of Ken Arok, Tohjaya, discovered the secret of the murder of Ken Arok by Anusapati. Tohjaya murdered Anusapati when they were conducting a cock fight. The incident hapenned in 1248 AD.

Tohjaya became a king for a few months only. Among his assistants, there were two aoutstanding princes. Rangga Wuni who was the son of Anusapati, and Mahisa Campaka, the son of Mahisa Wongateleng.
The two princes made a conspiracy to overthrow Tohjaya. They agitated the king's squads of guards, Rajasa and Sinelir, to rebel against Tohjaya. Tohjaya ran away after he was wounded with a spear and died in his hideout.

Next article : Wisnuwardhana in history
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