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Azerbaijan flag

Azerbaijan flag a flag of the country by using the basic colors of gray, red and green. These three colours are lined up horizontally with the same size. In the Center there is the image of the Crescent Moon with a star, are both white.

Overview of the State of Azerbaijan
Azerbaijan is a country shaped the Republic. Terletakdi Caucasus country which is the crossroads of Europe and Southwest Asia. Azerbaijan borders directly with some of the neighboring countries, namely: North West Russia, Georgia and Armenia, and to the South by Iran.

Since 2001, the country of Azerbaijan became a member of the Council of Europe. The majority of the inhabitants are Shia Muslim who was a descendant of West bangsaTurki, called Azerbaijani, or briefly Azeri. Azerbaijan is a country of democracy, but his authority is strong.

The early history of the population of Azerbaijan is Caucasian Albania nation, a nation that uses the language of the Caucasus, they occupy the region before being attacked by groups of other Nations. Azerbaijan has historically protected the various Nations, among other Arab Nations, Turkey, Russia, Persia, Greece, Rome, Armenia, and Mongolia.
A few things you need to know about the State of Azerbaijan
  • Capital: Baku
  • Government: presidential Republic
  • Official languages: Azeri
  • Area: 86600 km2
  • Population: 9,494,600 (2014)
  • Currency: Manat Azerbaijan
  • Phone code: + 994
Azerbaijan is divided into 60 rayon, 10 cities, 1 Autonomous Republic
60 rayon:
  1. Abseron
  2. Agcabadi
  3. Agdam
  4. Agdas
  5. Agstafa
  6. Agsu
  7. Astara
  8. Balakan
  9. Barda
  10. Beylaqan
  11. Bilasuvar
  12. Cabrayil
  13. Calilabad
  14. Daskasan
  15. Davaci
  16. Fuzuli
  17. Gadabay
  18. Goranboy
  19. Goycay
  20. Haciqabul
  21. Imisli
  22. Ismayilli
  23. Kalbacar
  24. Kurdamir
  25. Lacin
  26. Lənkəran
  27. Lerik
  28. Masalli
  29. Naftalan
  30. Neftcala
  31. Oguz
  32. Qabala
  33. Qax
  34. Qazax
  35. Qobustan
  36. Quba
  37. Qubadli
  38. Qusar
  39. Saatli
  40. Sabirabad
  41. Saki
  42. Salyan
  43. Samaxi
  44. Samkir
  45. Samux
  46. Siyazan
  47. Susa
  48. Tartar
  49. Tovuz
  50. Ucar
  51. Xacmaz
  52. Xanlar
  53. Xizi
  54. Xocali
  55. Xocavand
  56. Yardimli
  57. Yevlax
  58. Zangilan
  59. Zaqatala
  60. Zardab
10 cities:
  1. Ali Bayramli
  2. Baku
  3. Ganca
  4. Lankaran Sahari
  5. Mingacevir
  6. Saki
  7. Sumqayit
  8. Susa
  9. Xankandi/Khankendi
  10. Yevlax
1 Autonomous Republic: Republik Otonomi Nakhichevan
For those of you who are looking for a picture of the flag country of Azerbaijan, we attach. May be used as you wish.

Azerbaijan flag picture
Azerbaijan flag
So about Azerbaijan flag, may be useful.
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