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Bahrain flag

Bahrain flag is the flag that is very simple, just use the colors red and white. Red meets three quarters wide, while the seperempatnya flag for the white color that make up the ranks of the same triangular vertical feet.

Bahrain is an archipelago located in the Persian Gulf. The Gulf state of Bahrain separates those countries with Qatar and Saudi Arabia. The total area is almost the same with Bahrain in Jakarta, capital of Indonesia.

Overview of the history of the State of Bahrain
Historically, the State of Bahrain inhabited since pre-historic times. Due to its location in the Persian Gulf so much influence from Arab countries, so = inhabitants are predominantly Muslim. In ancient times, Bahrain called Dilmun, Tylos in the language of Greece, and Mishmahig when under the control of the Sultanate.

Arabic Bahrain Two Seas. Although early in the cycle the salty sea, but on land lots appears source of fresh water. Bahrain world trade center used to be.

This is no relation between the civilization the Sumerian Civilization with Delmon on 3rd century BC this State became part of Babylon was more or less in the year 600 BC, the historical record says that Bahrain is also known as the Pearl of the Persian Gulf.

In the 16th century until the years 1743 a.d., Bahrain became a Portuguese and Persian power. However, eventually, the Sultan of Persia, Nadir Shah conquered Bahrain. The 18th century Ce Al-Khalifah Family ruled the island and establish good relations with the United Kingdom to strengthen its position from the Persian threat.
State of Bahrain became independent in August 1971, and became a member of the Arab League.
Some things that are important to know about Bahrain
  • Capital city: Al Manamah
  • Official language: Arabic
  • Government: monarchy of the semi-konstitusional1
  • King Hamad Ibn Isa al Khalifah
  • Area: 765 km2
  • Currency: Bahrain Dinar
  • Phone code: + 973
Where the location of the State of Bahrain? According to google map, the position of the country as shown in the map below:

Bahrain map picture
Bahrain map
For those of you who need a picture of the flag of Bahrain below, we attached, may be used as needed.

Bahrain flag picture
Bahrain flag picture
So we can tell them about the flag of Bahrain, may be useful.
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