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Conference Colombo and the Bogor Conference

Conference Colombo and the Bogor Conference - History, prior to the Asian-African Conference held I, held preliminary meetings. The Conference Initiator is Indonesia, which was conceived by P.M. Ali Sastroamijoyo. This idea was later supported by other countries such as India, Burma, Sri Lanka and Pakistan.

This continuation of the history of the article: The solidarity of the peoples of Asia and Africa after World War 2

The five countries: Indonesia, India, Burma, Sri Lanka and Pakistan were later held a preliminary Conference in preparation in adakannya the Asian-African Conference i. Introductory Meetings are:

Conference Colombo and the Bogor Conference
1. The Colombo Conference
This Conference was held on April 28-May 2, 1954. Housed in Colombo, capital of Sri Lanka. This Conference, also known as i. Pancanegara Conference was attended by 5 Because the State and each is represented by his Prime Minister.
The fifth Prime Ministers are:
  1. Indonesia: Prime Minister Mr. Ali Sastroamijoyo.
  2. India: Prime Minister Jawarharlal Nehru
  3. The Prime Minister of Burma: Unu
  4. Sri Lanka: Prime Minister Sir John Kotelawala
  5. The Prime Minister of Pakistan: Muhammad Ali
This Conference decided will hold an Asia-Africa Conference I, and Indonesia was chosen as the Organizer.

2. The Bogor Conference
In preparation for the next, on March 28-31 December 1945 was held Of Bogor. This Conference is set in Bogor, Indonesia. The Bogor Conference also known as Pancanegara II Conference, as it was also attended by the five Member States of the Colombo Conference.

This meeting decided a few things with regard to the implementation of the Asian-African I, among other things:
  • Asian-African Conference in Bandung on hold in April 1955.
  • Menetepkan countries are invited as participants of the Asian-African I.
  • Set the Bogor Conference participants country fifth as the sponsor countries.
  • Specify the principal purpose of the 4th Asia-Africa I, namely:
  1. Furthering the cooperation between the Nations of the Asia-Africa for the sake of the common good.
  2. Review problems of social economy and culture.
  3. Solving the problem of national sovereignty, rationalism and colonialism.
  4. Strengthening the position and role of the Asia-Africa in world peace.
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