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About Country Of Muangthai

About Country Of Muangthai - The country is one of the members of Muangthai ASEAN countries, things you need to know:
  • Area: ± 514,000 km2
  • Capital City: Bangkok
  • Form of Government: the Kingdom
  • Head Of State: King
  • Head of Government: Prime Minister
  • King: Bhumibol Adulyadej
  • Prime Minister: Abhisit Vejjajiva
  • National anthems: Pledge Chard Thai
  • Population (1988): 54.12 million
  • Languages: Thai (Siam)
  • The religion of the majority population: Buddhism
  • Currency: Baht
  • Don Muang Airport:
  • Airline: Thai International Airways
The Government
Muangthai or Thailand is also known as the land of the white elephant. Muangthai is taken from the name of one of the tribes there, namely Thai tribes. Muangthai is a country never colonised the country. Thailand alone this means that the free State or country who never colonised. First, the Europeans call this state of Siam. The form pemerintahanya is the Kingdom of the constitutional process, but the Government daily controlled by the Prime Minister.

State Geography
Muangthai astronomically lies between 50LU – 210LS and 1060BT – 1000BT. The climate is tropical with average temperatures ranging between 240C and 310C. Muangthai lay North of Malaysia.

Thailand borders/Muangthai
  • North: borders with Myanmar and Laos
  • West: bordered by Myanmar and the Andaman Sea
  • South: Malaysia and the Gulf of Siam
  • to the East: Laos, Cambodia, Viet Nam
The northern portion of the mountainous and full of forests, the western part of (the Valley added that) flowed a river of the eastern part, added that the Mainland is high, the medium is the southern part of the Mainland to the peninsula's extensive alluvium Malaysia.

Based on the location latitude Thailand has a varied climate which especially in the mountainous northern part of the North: Plato Korat and the Valley of the Chao Phraya River has a season, due to the change of wind direction is influenced by the season. While in the South the climate is tropical with a season-high rainfall between December and January.

The landscapes
The North and West is a high mountain range from 1,500 m with lots of teak tree growing. Mount Inthanon (2,595 m) the highest peak in Thailand/Muangthai there are in this area.

To the Northeast lies the Korat plateau, is a limestone mountain is dry, and the soil is sandy, barren and infertile.

The southern part of the peninsula-shaped elongated with its western side is the Andaman Sea, and its eastern side was the Gulf of Siam. In this area, there is the Kra isthmus which is very famous.

The central part there is the plain very fertile and suitable for rice farming, i.e. the Valley of the Chao Phraya River.

The population
Muangthai population majority (82%) are the Thais; the rest are the ones China, India, and Malay. They speak Thai with the majority (93%) inhabitants are Buddhist. Only residents who live near the border of Malaysia who converted to Islam. Population in 1988 was 54, 12 million inhabitants, with a density of population of 94 inhabitants per square kilometre.

The economy is very dependent on Agriculture Muangthai with rice and rubber as its main commodity. It also produced coconuts, silk, cotton, pepper. The result was the most important mining Tin. Tin along with the rice and rubber is the major export Muangthai. The results of the other mines: zinc, manganese, tungsten, copper, and iron ore which there is not a little.

Tourism also includes foreign exchange generator big enough, especially with the appeal of the famous Pattaya Beach is very beautiful, moving approximately 140 km from Bangkok. Also, hospitality and cultural uniqueness, Muangthai his country, is the attraction for tourists. The value of exports in 1986 was the USS Muangthai 8,735 million, whereas imports USS 9,138 million. National income (1985) USS 373,900 million.

The main economic activities
1. Agriculture
The main result was the rice grown in the Valley of the Chao Phraya River. Famous Thailand as Southeast Asia's rice barn, the farm's famous buffalo and pigs.

2. Plantation
The result is a rubber plantation, coffee and cloves, while the results of its teak and ironwood.

3. Mining
The result is a tin mine produced peninsula in Thailand.

4. Tourism
The country of Thailand has a beautiful tourist destination, among others:
  • Bangkok got a mention of the city of water, in the Chao Phraya River there is a floating market. In the city, there is a Pagoda.
  • Pattaya, much visited by foreign tourists who want to enjoy the beauty of the beach.
  • Chiang Mai is a town in the mountainous Northern Thailand.
Relations with Indonesia
Muangthai also became one of the founding members and the ASEAN. Trade relations with Indonesia are quite good and shows a tendency to increase. Indonesia to import rice and sugar Muangthai. Otherwise Muangthai import timber and aircraft from Indonesia. In 1987, the value of exports Indonesia.
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