Sumatra is a large island in western Indonesia that is part of the Sunda Islands. It is the largest island that is located entirely in Indonesia and the sixth-largest island in the world at 473,481 km2 (not including adjacent islands such as the Riau Islands and Bangka Belitung Islands). (
Map of Sumatera Atlas version
Regional Maps:
Indonesia Map,
Asia Map Map of Province in Sumatera
Sumatera Blank Map
10 Maps of Provinces in Sumatra
Supriyadi Pro
Nama asli saya Supriyadi dan populer Supriyadi Pro. Saya seorang Expert wordpress developer freelancer, content writer, editor. Memiliki minat besar pada dunia teknologi, sains, seni budaya, social media, dan blogging. Saya kelahiran suku Jawa, di Wonogiri, Jawa Tengah yang ahli bahasa Jawa dan seni gamelan. Silahkan hubungi saya lewat laman yang telah disediakan atau kunjungi website profil saya di